Today was the first day back to work this year but it was pretty boring. I had to type some pages and organize some financial matters, and of course clean my office a little, which I had meant to do before vacation but never found the time.
After work, I came home and started taking down the holiday decorations. When Dylan got home, he helped me, and we ended up getting everything put away. It looks so empty now without the tree, but I like to get it put away before too much of the new year has come to pass.
I spent a little time reading about Jesus tonight while I was listening to the instrumentals of my songs. I'm always a little curious about the historical Jesus, like what facts have actually been shown to be historically accurate. Unfortunately, of course, there isn't really that much which has survived to be passed down in the form of verifiable truth. I do think Jesus probably existed, but I'm curious as to how he has come to have such a large following. I try to imagine if someone today could claim that they were a "son of God" or some other supernatural, metaphysical being. Obviously they would not be able to get away with it. I wonder how many people at that time actually believed he was the messiah, and how many just started believing it time and miles away because the legend had endured.
I was excited to get a package in the mail today from my parents, containing a CD of all the pictures they took on our vacation in Maui. As soon as I get the time, I'm going to take it along with my own photos and get them printed for my photo album that I bought in Hawaii.
I started my juice fast today. I meant to start it this morning, but knowing what I headache I get when I don't eat for the first day, I decided to have one last lunch and start the fast after work. I went to Trader Joe's and got the Garden Patch (tomato/vegetable juice) and the Gala Apple Juice (just apple juice, no sweeteners or other ingredients) and also a bunch of raw veggies that I can throw in our juicer. Hopefully I'll make it through the day tomorrow!

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
I had already set something aside this morning, but then later in the evening when we were putting the holiday decorations away, there was a very large box full of old VHS tapes in the storage closet. I decided to go through the box and get rid of anything I didn't really have to have. I made a "keep" pile, a "take to Amoeba" pile, and a "trash" pile. Most of the cassettes ended up in the trash, as lots of them were just taped off of TV, screeners, or movies that I've since bought on DVD. The ones for Amoeba were the ones I thought that maybe they would buy, although I'm not sure if they really buy VHS tapes anymore. If not, I'll donate them to Out of the Closet. The few I had to keep were mainly family movies and rare stuff that is not out on DVD (or on YouTube). I think I only kept 8 or so and got rid of over 30. One of the ones I got rid of that made me smile was a promotional tape about Southern California made by one of the local news shows. I had ordered it back in 1999 when I lived in Kansas and was planning my move to LA. I wanted to see where I would be living, and it was a free offer on the internet so I took it, and I remember Brandon and I watched it one night, dreaming about our new lives in California.
Anyway, I could count all those VHS tapes individually and that would take me through the month at least, but that would be boring, and I already threw them away so I'll just count the whole batch as today's purge. It was a good one!


Scarlet said…
Juice fast... I need one, keep up the good work!

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