Happy Birthday, Rafael!

TGIF! I made it through the week.
The strangest thing happened. I was dreaming that we were back in Maui, but we were getting ready to leave. Our friends, the Nondorfs, where there just like they were in reality when we were there for Yuletide (my parents often travel together with them). In the dream, I said we were leaving and Shelly said she wasn't leaving until June, to which I said something about how jealous I was! Meanwhile, my phone was signaling that I had a new text, and in my half awaken state I remember Dylan asking me if he should check my text; I said it was probably from the bank as I get automatic text updates now anytime a large deposit or withdrawal goes through. When I finally got up and checked my phone, it was a text from Shelly saying "I want to go back to Maui!"
The work day was OK, I had a few projects to do and did a lot of filing and organizing. My desk looks pretty nice now. On my lunch break, I walked all the way up to Robek's on Sunset and Mansfield for an ABC (Apple Beet Carrot) juice. I enjoyed sipping it as I walked back through Hollywood on a typically beautiful January day.
After work I went home and tried to work more on the Shitting Glitter 2010 Promo Video but I was not feeling that great and didn't really want to sit at a computer on a Friday afternoon, so instead I went to the kitchen and got put some oranges and carrots in the juicer and drank it while watching an episode of "Chelsea Lately" on DVR.
Then Dylan and I got ready and walked down the street to our friend Rafael's birthday. We didn't really know what to expect since we don't really know many of Rafael's friends, and our one mutual friend who we met through, Tiger, wasn't feeling well so he couldn't make it. However, my friend Mike from work was there and then Marc came over later and I invited Rob and Josep over. It ended up being so much fun and we stayed there until almost 2am. I stayed on my juice fast, despite the array of tempting hors d'oeuvres and fully stocked bar. After midnight, I finally gave in a little bit and made myself a white wine spritzer with diet tonic water, but that was as far as I took it.
I took a cupcake with me to eat the next day, but someone on the boulevard accidentally (?) knocked it out of my hands on the walk home. :( When we did make it home, I wanted to watch The Soup and I was so hungry, so Dylan made me some edamame and I had a small bowl of that before going to bed.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
We have a large closet in the living room full of stuff and there is a three door plastic drawer thing in there with some junk in it, so I pulled out a cheap pair of red sunglasses. The frames and lenses are both red and they look really cheap. It wasn't hard to part with them.


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