
Showing posts from June, 2017

Reflections on Four Decades

Last week, I turned 40. This was something that younger versions of me dreaded, but luckily the current version is totally cool with. I do remember when I moved to LA, at the tender age of 22 years, I told myself that if I wasn't a "rich, famous musician" by the time I was 27, I was going to leave LA and just concentrate on having a regular career. Apparently, at that time, I thought 27 was old... and 40 must have been ancient. Turning 30 was a little rough for me, but my thirties ended up being a great decade, and I honestly can't say that I was left wanting for anything, other than that career as a rich, famous musician, of course. The great thing was that I realized the fame and money didn't matter near as much as family, friendship, and happiness; all of which I had plenty of in that ten year span. I remember my parents turning 40 and how we made fun of them for being 'over the hill,' and taunting them with the phrase "lordy, lordy, l