Day of the Headache

Today was the first full day of my New Year's Juice Fast, and although it started OK (I had apple juice for breakfast and had enough work to keep me busy and not thinking about food until after noon), it quickly went downhill. I went to Robek's for lunch to get a shot of wheatgrass and a Green-V (carrot, celery and spinach) which was nice and refreshing. Then I had to drive to Valley Glen to work at Susan's for awhile, and by the time I got back I was starting to get a headache. That always happens when I start a juice fast or diet. So after awhile I went and got a Naked Protein Zone Mango. However it didn't really help my headache.
By the time I got home, all I could do was lay in bed. I really think I must have some small idea of what people feel like when they are going through withdrawals of cigarettes or even harder drugs. I'm not saying this was on the same level, but it was to the point where I couldn't do much more than lay down all evening. I took some aspirin and drank more apple juice but the headache never went away. This was the worst it's ever been; maybe I'm getting too old to do juice fasts. I know if I can make it through the first day though, the rest is easy.
One benefit of being confined to a supine position all evening was that I finally got to watch WALL-E which had been saved on our DVR. It's a great movie and I highly recommend it!
I had a dream last night that my grandpa Strecker was in. It was really nice because I miss him, and it was just like getting to see him again. He was very grandfatherly in it, just the way I remember him when I was young.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
Today I am donating a heart shaped lamp to the thrift store. I believe it was a gift from my former roommate, Dudley, when we shared an apartment on Vineland in North Hollywood. If I remember correctly, he gave it to me for my birthday the summer we moved in there, and I put it in the kitchen. It gave off a cool red glow. I used it later when Dylan and I lived in the Dover, but since then it's been stored in a cupboard under our microwave. Normally, I avoid parting with any gifts that people have given me, but realistically I have to start because I have accumulated so many gifts in my life and I can't keep all of them. Dudley gave me other gifts and I also save all his holiday cards which are always so creative. So, the lamp has served it's purpose but now some other lucky person will get to have a warm, cute heart lamp to light up his or her life.


Scarlet said…
Sorry about the headache, there are now diets called "Detoxify" maybe you should check into that.

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