
Showing posts from March, 2008

In your head

It is such a time of contemplation for me and many of those around me. Currently being at the "ripe old age" of thirty is yet another factor contributing to my philosophical state of mind. I realize that so much of a person's perspective comes from within their own mind; the way they see things, regard other individuals, and the assumptions they make whether consciously or not. I'll use myself for an example. Throughout most of my life, at least from grade 5 on, I was always pretending that I was in a band, or imagining what it would like if I would one day be a pop star, to the point that I would draw album covers, create track listings for albums, even imagine entire scenarios and fantasies involving the bands I had dreamed up in my mind. I continued this until finally, when I was in college, my brother and I somehow convinced each other that it would be a good idea to form a band. My brother knew this young fellow, Joe, from his high school cross country team who

Flat Tana

In the midst of all the weirdness going on in my life right now, it's nice to have a couple things to ground a person. The strongest force in my life that has always kept my feet on solid ground is my family. So I was delighted when my cousin Andrea called to tell me that her daughter Tana was going to be mailing me a "Flat Tana" which was a small, flat cut out paper person bearing Tana's resemblance as part of a school project. I was familiar with the book "Flat Stanley" which spawned the idea, having already attempted to fulfill another girl's school project awhile back when she sent it to the TV Academy and Dylan received it. Unfortunately, even though I went to the trouble to take lots of pictures of that Flat Stanley, and developed the pictures myself, Dylan never ended up mailing the poor thing back. Well since this is my cousin Tana we're talking about, of course I'm going to mail it back, and we have already had some adventures! Tana'