
Dylan and I went down to AJ's house in Fullerton for brunch and a band rehearsal. We have two shows coming up - an electro gig at a new 80's club downtown tomorrow night called Erotic City, and an acoustic gig at Palihouse, where Red works, on Monday in West Hollywood. Red couldn't make it to rehearsal so it was just the four of us and we rehearsed the electro set first without Laura because initially she thought she might not be able to make it. Then, after we talked about it, Laura decided she could make it, so we rehearsed it again with her. Then, we rehearsed the acoustic set with Laura using brushes instead of sticks, and me using the piano sound instead of the electronic sounds on my keyboard.
After rehearsal, Dylan and I drove up to Echo Park for Tiger's art show at pLAyLAnd, a new gallery/space that was having it's first event. It was really interesting. Quite a few artists had work there, and many of the pieces were conceptual/interactive, such as these installations made of cardboard boxes and various other materials that you would crawl into, including a church confessional booth and a sort of 'endless tunnel'. There was a very friendly artist named Simone Gad who Dylan and I talked to for awhile; she did these pieces called Holocaust Clowns which were personal pieces based off stories from her family, who were holocaust survivors. She also had some wacky collages that incorporated her own old head shots. Tiger didn't arrive until much later, so we were hanging out with Rebecca and Loren, and Justo (sp?) in the mean time. There was also a "band" of musicians who had circuit bent toys and battery powered amps who came in all together looking like a demented marching band. One thing about this show was that there was all ages from small children to really old people, so that's something you don't often find at art exhibits in LA and it was really cool. I told Dylan that I bet those kids never forget about it - it's definitely something I would have always remembered if I had gone there as a kid. Oh, and there was also an open bar - can't beat that!
Rebecca and Loren invited us over to their place to hang out and sit in the hot tub afterward, so we went over there and had a great time. It was weird being at Brandon and Angie's building (they moved in after Rebecca and Loren) without them being there - it sort of felt like we were "cheating" on them! But, they were in San Diego visiting Angie's friend.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
A VHS copy of "Reefer Madness" that I'm really not sure why I have or where I got it from.


Brandonbodt said…
You need to do a bit better study of east side geography. Playland is in glassell park, which doesn't even border echo park. I would have also accepted eagle rock.

If you would take some time to learn the east side you wouldn't drive half an hour out of your way and be late to my birthday.

Just saying.
Devin Tait said…
I really meant to say Eagle Rock, I don't know where I got Echo Park from.

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