Characters and Mini-Monsters

I have been doing extremely well on my diet!!! So proud of myself.
We had a security committee meeting at 10am which I usually go to, but decided not to today because I had other stuff to work on. It turned out to be a bad one to miss, because some of the "characters" came to the meeting - these are the people who used to dress up as famous characters (without any permission from the copywrite owners, or studios, or anyone else) and stand on Hollywood Blvd. harassing tourists to give them money in exchange for taking photos with them. LAPD did a crackdown on them awhile back and as the BID we have tried to help prevent their return because they are bad for business and are a blight on the District. Anyway, they are of course completely upset and trying to make it seem like they are just these innocent people who are trying to make a living and that the tourists love them - all of which is hogwash, of course. They are territorial and are constantly getting in fights with each other and the tourists, if they don't get enough money. Of course they don't pay any taxes on the income they make, despite the fact that they earn all their money ON PUBLIC PROPERTY which is of course, maintained by taxpayers. I wish I could have been there to see how it went down.
After the meeting, Bill took us all out to lunch at Dillon's Irish Pub, and I had a spinach salad - like I said, I am doing so well on my diet.
At home later, I got on this kick trying to find this toy I had when I was little. All I remembered was that it was sort of a haunted house that was made of cardboard and vinyl. I've searched for it before but never found it. Finally, I must have typed in the magic combination of words into google because I finally found a picture and description of it! It was a Remco Mini Monsters Play Case and it was supposed to house all these little mini figurines based on the Universal monsters - Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, Wolfman, etc. I don't know if I had all or any of the actual monsters, but I know I had the playcase. It was something that my cousin Travis had, so I just HAD TO HAVE IT and my parents got it for me as a Christmas gift, must have been back in '83 or '84. This lead to a series of e-mails between me, Travis, and Brandon about all our favorite forgotten toys from the 80's which we could now find online - what did people do before the internet when they wanted to relive those childhood memories?


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