Lord of the Rings

I can't remember how much of this I've already explained, but we had been planning on going to Palm Springs this weekend for Luther's Birthday. However, since Kevin was coming to visit, and then this whole thing with us performing at Blender panned out, we canceled our Palm Springs plans, and then Kevin decided to come down early. So, he is arriving tonight!
I left work a little early because we are going to Red's birthday party in Santa Monica and it starts at 6pm. I wanted to get some beer to bring, and I also wanted to exchange my camera at Target today since tomorrow the gays are going to start boycotting Target, since they made a big donation to an anti-gay candidate in Minnesota. Since this was my second camera to not work, I decided to get a different brand. I got an Olympus since I read online their cameras were really good. I ended up just spending an extra $20.
Then I went to BevMo to get some beer for Red's party, and I got some Whipped Cream flavored vodka for home. While I was shopping at BevMo, this guy I used to be friends with came in and was talking to me. We had had an episode in the past where I decided I didn't really want to be friends with this person anymore and sometimes when that happens, I just get totally over people. So I felt a little bad because he obviously still thinks of me as a friend, so I decided I was being mean and that I shouldn't do that, and should be nice instead, so I talked to him for awhile, even though I was in a huge hurry.
After that I went and got Dylan and we drove over to Santa Monica. We ended up being there early because when we got there they said the party didn't really start until 8, but there was already several people there so we just hung out with them, including Red's brother Jeremy, his girlfriend, and Red's friend Haley.
Eventually, quite a few people showed up, including Amy and AJ. I had a really nice time hanging out with them, and I talked to them most of the time they were there. Later, a movie star showed up so that was kind of cool. He is pretty well known for being in a series of three movies based off of some books. I didn't end up talking to him, but Dylan really wanted to as he's a huge fan.
Finally, Kevin called and said he was very close to Los Angeles, so we decided we'd better head home to meet him. Our timing was great, because as soon as we pulled up, he was pulling up too. We ran up and hugged him - I can't believe it's been so long since we've seen him!
He was pretty beat from the drive down from Portland so we didn't go anywhere. I made cocktails with the Whipped Cream vodka but they didn't go over well - Dylan said it was gross and way too sweet.
We hung out with Kevin and chatted him up for as long as we thought we could until it was apparent that we all needed to go to bed.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
Ultra Nate "Free" CD Single. I have no idea where this came from. It literally has 9 different remixes of this song which I'd be OK never hearing again.


Scarlet said…
I would probably enjoy the whipped cream vodka! Glad to see you're blogging again.

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