She Raw Dance Party

Welcome to my 300th Blog entry!!!
It was a very busy day today. I have been so broke lately that I couldn't buy the stuff to make my costume for tonight until now. So on my lunch break I went to Hollywood Toy and Costume and got a cape and some hair color. I'm dressing up as Red Mist from the movie Kick-Ass tonight when I DJ at this event called She-Raw that my friend Annie, who was the singer in Ask Alice, is putting on at the Que Sera. Then I stopped by the Goodwill and the special store to get the rest of my outfit.
When I got home from work, I quickly started sewing my costume. Brandon and Dylan went to boot camp but I didn't have time since I only had about an hour to get my costume completed, which luckily I did although I ran a bit late and was not quite done by the time Dylan got back. I told him we had to leave in 15 minutes, which was really wishful thinking since I still hadn't even gotten ready yet at all.
Finally, we hit the road around 8:30 although I had meant to be in Long Beach by 8:45. I was pretty stressed out as a result and realized when we were half-way down there that I had forgotten my headphones.
Luckily, when we got there, they were still setting everything up, and the DJ's who were on after me (I was first; Mizchif, then Ono-Sendai) had brought all their equipment which was much nicer than mine and they were kind enough to let me use theirs.
I was so happy to be DJ'ing again. I can't even remember the last time I DJ'ed in a club for real. Back when I stumbled into the DJ world at my first gig, The Gold 9 in Sherman Oaks, it was totally a fluke, but I loved what I was doing and took it very seriously. When the Gold 9 closed, I tried pretty hard to find another regular gig, doing one night here and there at parties and stuff, but soon realized that it's a really competitive and difficult field and that if I really wanted to be a DJ I would have to put much more time and effort into it than I was ready to commit. So, it's nice to just do it every once in awhile now.
I tried to play songs that would get people up and dancing, and sneaking in a few of my own faves here in there; I played the Naked Highway remix of Shitting Glitter's "The Apple Falls" and I also got some Tiffany and Spice Girls in there. It was a ton of fun.
After I finished my set, Dylan (who had danced to almost every song I played, he's so sweet!) and I went across the street to get some dinner and then we came back to drink and dance the night away. There was a girl there dressed as Hit Girl from Kick-Ass so I had to get my picture taken with her; she looked really good. Lots of people were there and most of them dressed up like a super hero to go with the theme of the night.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
"Close to the Bone" by The Thompson Twins, cassette album. This was pretty much the first Thompson Twins album I ever owned. I remember that my mom took me to this record store on Vine Street in Hays which closed a couple years afterward, one of the first record store closings in a string of them throughout my life. I specifically remember my mom asking the person working there a question and they held up a copy of billboard magazine and, very seriously, said "this is like our bible" and my mom and I just looked at each other like we thought the person was crazy. Anyway, I bought this album there and started there. I had already ordered their greatest mixes album from my music club (I think it was BMG) but I bought this one before that one arrived. I listened to it on my parents stereo in the living room with headphones but remember thinking that it didn't sound like the Thompson Twins that I had heard on the radio. I still listen to this one, on CD now of course, once in awhile, and my friend Marc had just given me a CD bootleg of a concert during this era a few days ago so I've been listening to that a lot lately.


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