a change is gonna come

What a day!
I hadn't posted anything about this before, because I wasn't sure I wanted to make it public and I didn't want to jinx it either. But, a week or two ago a friend of mine who used to be my boss had let me know about a job position available at her company that she thought would be a good fit for me. However, the company is in San Francisco. I went ahead and sent my resume and pondered what life would be like if I suddenly packed up and moved to the Bay City. Would Dylan come with me? Would I like living there? Would my friends in LA be terribly upset? So many questions swirled around in my mind. Until this, I hadn't thought about leaving my job, let alone LA. Well, then after I got my resume already and had already gotten used to the idea of making a big change in my career, I heard about another job. This one was much closer - Hollywood, actually, and is very similar to my current job. I ended up interviewing for it this morning, and by this afternoon they had offered it to me. I was so excited! I called my parents first and then Dylan, and then I had to call Susan and break the news to her. I was really worried that she would be upset, but she was very nice about it and said she knew it would be a great opportunity; however she wanted to know if there was any way they could get me to stay at the Media District. I told her they would need to match the salary that I was getting at my new job, but I also mentioned that honestly I always wanted to eventually take over and be the executive director of the Media District but that I didn't want to push her out of a job even if the board would have wanted to do that (which I don't think they would have). So, I told her to let me sleep on it.
I did boot camp afterward and was so happy about the job offer that I didn't even mind doing Runyon Canyon.
When I got home, Ben and Marc came over to watch Sorority Row so first I told them all about the job offer. The movie was OK until the end, which was incredibly bad. It was like they wanted to avoid any ending that could have been figured out by making something so far-fetched and ridiculous that it just ruined it for me.
Dylan was in a pretty bad mood which upset me because I was so happy about the job. I had trouble getting to sleep because I was trying to weigh the pros and cons of my job situation, in case the Media District offered me more money to stay.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
"Kylie Minogue" self-titled debut album on cassette tape. I got this when I lived in Hays, a long time after it was released. What happened was, in junior high, I didn't have enough money to buy every tape that I wanted but I thought I was clever in planning out how to get them in other ways. I really wanted this tape in 7th or 8th grade, whenever it had come out, and I told my classmates that whoever drew my name in the secret santa was supposed to buy this for me. As usual, my demands for specific gifts were not met and instead I got a set of dominoes. I was so upset and never did end up getting this tape until I was in college when Wal-Mart had a big bin of really cheap (I think they were $1 each) 80's cassettes. So I picked this up then, but at that time I thought it sounded pretty cheesy.


swivek said…
I didn't really care for the ending of Sorority Row either but I loved the main girl who looked more like Demi Moore than Demi Moore's actual daughter.

And congrats on the new job - I can tell you this friend would have been horribly upset had the move to SF gone through :0)

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