Puppetry Part Two

Today was our first board meeting of the new year so I was a little stressed out getting ready for it. It all came together of course and everything went pretty smoothly, despite the fact that it was a little long (over 2 hours), but since we hadn't met in January it made sense.
After work, I stopped by Smart & Final on my way home to buy some supplies for catering the video shoot this weekend. I always appreciate a chance to show of my cooking and food prep skills so I had volunteered Dylan and myself to take care of all the food for the shoot. I wanted to do breakfast burritos for the morning, and sandwiches and salads for lunch. I ended up getting all the stuff for the burritos, along with stuff for a green salad and potato salad. When I got home, I made the potato salad first and by the time that was finished, our dinner was ready. I had put two Cornish Game Hens in the slow cooker earlier in the day (I had come home on my lunch break) so we had those with cornbread stuffing, salad, and sauteed veggies.
After dinner, we went to Eleven to meet Amy, Laura, Bradley, Marc, and Cathleen. Marc walked with us from his place to the club. They were having happy hour from 8pm-10pm so they had $5 drinks which was nice since usually their drinks are pretty pricey. The food looked good, but we had already eaten so we weren't hungry at all, but Laura's gourmet mac and cheese inspired me to make some for the video shoot. It seemed like it would be easy enough.
We stayed until happy hour was over and then Dylan and I headed to FUBAR where the Puppetry of the Penis guys were going to be making a special appearance. We tried to get Brad and Marc to come with us but neither would so we just went by ourselves. I only had one drink there because it was really all I needed, plus then they did the thing where you flash the back bartender for a free shot so Dylan and I both did that (I never had done that before but I just really wanted the free shot!). Being at FUBAR on a Thursday made me miss Kevin so I texted back and forth with him for awhile. Finally, Mario Diaz announced that the Puppetry guys were there and he brought them on stage. They did 3 tricks including the windsurfer, the didgeridoo, and another one that I forgot, and then they said it was their last trick and they asked for a volunteer for the audience. Since I had told Dylan "NO" when he wanted to volunteer at the show last weekend, I felt bad and wanted to make it up to him so I told him to go up there this time, but I think he was going to whether or not I gave my blessing cause he was already halfway up to the stage! Of course they showed him how to do the Hamburger and they all three did it together and that was the end of their brief show, which was really just a teaser for their real show at the Coast. It was great fun, and as soon as it was over my friend Tony from Boot Camp ran up to me and was like "I can't believe Dylan just did that"! Afterwards, we caught Rich, the puppeteer that Dylan and I both think is so dreamy, so we talked to him for a little while. He was so nice! Then we ran into more people we knew; DJ Bill Dup, Brianna, and our old neighbor Mark but they had all missed the show. We went home after that cause I knew I had such a rough weekend ahead of me. We ended up sleeping on the air mattress in the living room to test it out.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
Today I got rid of this black wire mail holder thing that we used to use when we lived in the Dover. Dylan and I both had one, and there were these metal "ivy leaves" on the front, three on each, where I put our initials so we'd know whose was whose. I still use mine but we've combined forces so we don't need 2 anymore; I blacked out his initials and donated it to the thrift store.


Scarlet said…
Flashing for a free drink...shameless! How was the air mattress, would I like sleeping on it?

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