Groundhog Day

Boot camp was OK this morning. We went up the easy way but were supposed to run for 30 seconds, then walk for 30 seconds, and so on until we got to the part where we always do sprints; here we were supposed to do 3 sprints, then go down the other side and back up the stairs. I say we were "supposed" to because I can't always do exactly what we're supposed to do with my tired old legs.
It was groundhog's day which really doesn't mean much to me. When I was a kid it was something fun to talk about at school but nowadays I don't usually even think about it. The only thing notable about it this year was that PETA was up to their usual lunatic antics, trying to suggest that Puxatawney Phil be replaced with a robotic groundhog.
I went to help Tiger set up for his photography exhibit, which is coming up on Thursday at the Gay and Lesbian Center's Village, which is in the Media District. Some of the prints are huge! It took two of us to hold them up and another person to mark where the nails should go. My friend Alison is in charge of the exhibit on the Center's side. She had booked Shitting Glitter to play at the Center's HomoSaic festival a few years ago, and I remember when Tiger first had contacted the center about doing his show there, she had contacted me for a reference. It's all come full circle now, as we were hanging the photos in the gallery together.
Dylan and I watched and episode of "Fear Itself" titled "The Sacrifice" which was pretty good. After that I worked more on Brad's video and went to bed.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
Paula Abdul "Opposites Attract" 12" vinyl single. I loved Paula Abdul back in 7th and 8th grade when she was really big. This was probably one of her best-loved songs among me and my schoolmates, especially because of the animated/live action video where she is singing the song with a cat, who is her "opposite." I already have this album on CD and I don't really need any extended versions or dubs of this song.


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