Cookin' on Sunday

Although often times I like to get stuff done on Sundays, sometimes I like to just do nothing, like today.
I had told Dylan I wasn't going to cook a big brunch like yesterday, but I was pretty hungry when I finally rolled out of bed so I did end up making egg and salsa quesadillas which were yummy.
We watched the movie "Rock N Rolla" which we had saved on DVR from forever ago when we had free movie channels through some promotion our cable service was running. We still have "Clockwork Orange" on there which I need to watch sometime. Like a lot of crime/mob type movies, and British movies, it was hard to follow at times but I just had to have faith that it would all come together at some point, and that it did. Plus, it had a gay gangster character and plenty of hot guys in it.
I went grocery shopping later in the day as there were a few things I wanted to pick up, and I also had wanted to stop by Rick and Melodie's to pick up my new drum set! I think I mentioned before that they won a kit on e-bay for the video, but realized they had no use for it, and so I said I would buy it off them, as I am a drummer without drums. But they did not answer while I was out, and then I forgot and left my phone in my car so I didn't realize they had called back shortly after I got home.
I ended up making Chicken Mole tacos for dinner which were yummy! Dylan became a huge fan of mole (it's pronounced moe-lay) sauce a few years ago after we ate out somewhere so he bought a jar of sauce last time he went shopping, and in my custom cookbook I had a recipe that I had picked up from Whole Foods which said it was "easy enough for a weeknight; festive enough for a party." That turned out to be very true! Dylan was highly impressed and said I really need to open my own restaurant. I served the tacos with rice, black beans and a salad and it really was an amazing Sunday night dinner.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
"Thoughts for Food" recipe book. Speaking of cooking! I picked this book up at a Library sale a few years ago. They had several old school, hardback cook books and this one looked interesting, but the things about old cookbooks is a lot of times they call for weird ingredients that just aren't available anymore (MSG, anyone?) or just not popular anymore (jello!!!). I never ended up making any recipes out of this book, and with so many other, better cookbooks already taking up room on my kitchen counter I decided to get rid of this one.
Oh, and I forgot to celebrate yesterday being my 50th post in this series! Yay!


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