Grown Man Cries Video Shoot Day 2

I was so tired when my cell's alarm started going off this morning that I slept in about an hour later than I wanted to. Rick and Melodie said they would be on set starting at 8am because they wanted to finish cleaning up to make sure we got the deposit back, and to get all the b-roll stuff shot. I got out of bed just a little before 8am and I had a couple stops to make on the way. First, I stopped at Target to get a white t-shirt for the final shot, some hair product since I was all out, and sandwich stuff for lunch. I also called Melodie to see if they needed anything else and she asked me to bring latex gloves.
I arrived by 9am and had donuts for the small crew working, which was just me, Rick, Melodie, Quentin, and Matt. After we got most of the paint cans loaded into Tiger's truck and cleaned up all the paint spills on the floor, we started shooting the b-roll stuff, which was like shots of paint hitting the background wall and splattering off of the instruments.
We wrapped on b-roll around 12:30 or so; Rick, Melodie and I took the leftover paint cans down to the hazardous waste drop off where the lady extorted us for $12 because we had more paint than the legal limit. I kept three cans of paint for myself; a chocolate brown to finish our bedroom (I had been meaning to buy brown paint and do this anyway), a really light green that could either go on our closet doors or on one of our living room walls; and a brick red color that I might do the bathroom with although I don't think it's the shade of red I really want for it - and it's actually outdoor paint.
Back at the studio, we made sandwiches and then started getting set up for the final shot.
Brandon, Ben and Robin arrived (in that order) shortly thereafter and we all got into our white t-shirts. We swapped out the background wall that we played in front of yesterday for the new, pre-painted wall with the logo stencils already on it. It was a wall that looked almost just like the one that had actually gotten paint splattered on it yesterday during filming. Quentin, Rick and Matt filmed the shots of Melodie in a yellow poncho ripping the stenciled cut-outs off of the wall, so that our logo was then shown in white amongst the splattered paint.
We set up the final shot and while we were playing the last few strains of the song, Melodie ran out in her poncho, ripped the final stencil off of the top black diamond of the logo, then the band turned and looks at the wall and walks offstage. We had to do the last shot several times because things kept happening, like one time Melodie tripped over one of the fake amps, and then a couple times a piece of tape stayed on the wall from the stencil. Plus then we all started getting the giggles, but finally the last time it all turned out perfect and we watched the playback and got a good laugh out of it. We decided to be more smiley and happy in the last shot since we were all now clean and in white shirts.
Right after we wrapped, we all cheered and Rick and Melodie had beer for everyone. It was very festive! We watched the footage from the day before (which I had already watched earlier in the day) and everyone was thrilled with how great it looked.
After basking in the glow of the footage, we all got to work cleaning up the place and loading all the equipment back into our cars.
I talked to Roxy, Ben's wife, for awhile outside before I loaded everything into the truck. She works for a great non-profit called "Not Without My Pet" so we compared experiences working in the non-profit sector, which we both love. Her organization helps advocate for pet owners who are victims of domestic violence. I told her about how I volunteer at PATH and they were able to work with Paws LA to build a pet shelter within the Hollywood PATH Homeless Shelter for the clients to keep their animals in.
I was so happy after the shoot. We all thanked Rick, Melodie, Quentin and Matt and of course each other and talked about how we think this video is going to be huge! You've gotta stay positive.
I called my mom on the way home to tell her all about it (I had called her yesterday on my way home too). After I got home, I parked in the garage so I could relax a little bit first before unloading and returning Tiger's truck. Our apartment is completely trashed and there is hardly any room to walk now with the drums in there, and I don't know when I'll be able to clean it up since I'm busy the next three nights in a row.
Tiger was in good spirits when I went to swap vehicles and I told him all about the shoot.
When I got home, I was very tired, but I had to tell Dylan all about it too before we went to bed.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
This was an easy one. After the shoot, my shoes were obviously completely ruined from all the paint but I had already known I was going to have to sacrifice them. I thought about buying a new pair of shoes just for the video, but I already had what Dylan calls my "Chris Freeman" shoes because when we took him out to dinner after he played bass with Shitting Glitter at the Dragonfly (he's the bassist from Pansy Division if you didn't know), we were both wearing the same shoes. I had mine for awhile and Dylan had been wanting me to get rid of another pair of shoes so it was just logical. I will miss them, though!


Scarlet said…
God, I feel your pain! I bet you felt like someone lifted up you apartment and shook it! But aren't you so glad the shoot went so well and that you are finished and anxious for the results!

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