Hunters of the Night

If you've been following my blog, you know I had been frantically trying to record a cover version of Mr. Mister's "Hunters of the Night" in time for Valentine's Day. It was my valentine to the internet, so to speak, but was also used in an audio slideshow on youtube to advertise my friend Luther's photography business, Double Agent Photo.
I had heard this song before because I had always been a fan of Mr. Mister and their songs in the 80's, "Broken Wings," "Kyrie," and "Is It Love" which led me to buy their greatest hits CD. "Hunters of the Night" was the only single from their debut album which was right before their big breakthrough album which contained the aforementioned hits. I had never heard it when it was first released, only through the greatest hits album.
Recently, I found a blog via my friend Brad, called "Bottom Feeders: The Ass End of the 80's" which lists every song that charted on the Billboard Hot 100 in the 80's that never made it to the top 40. That's right, every single song that ever reach #41-100 but no higher during the 80's is included in this blog, which posts a new entry every Wednesday in alphabetical order. It was through this blog that I was reacquainted with "Hunters of the Night" and when I listened to it recently I thought, it really is a cool little song with a great chorus. So, I set about trying to record my own version.
It was pretty easy to figure out and although I stayed pretty true to the original, I did decide to make a few minor changes. First, the most obvious change is that it is all synths. I don't play guitar, and I don't have an easy way to record drums right now so this was mostly a logistical decision, but I also love electronic music and thought that the textures and harmonies in this song would translate well within an all electro arrangement. Also, I simplified some of the keyboard parts because I thought they were a little too complex before and made it less accessible.
Anyway, without further ado, here is my cover version!
Hunters of the Night by Devin Tait


Scarlet said…
Love your version!

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