Slave to the Rhythm

I wasn't feeling completely back to normal, so I skipped boot camp, but I did go to work cause since I work by myself I figured I'd be OK, I wouldn't make anyone else sick, and I had work I really needed to get done and a meeting at 3pm.
I've been packing old files into boxes at work since they are renovating the studio and they're going to be re-carpeting my office. So it's a good time to go through and archive old records and files. I got quite a bit done today because the power went off around 11am. It's bright enough from my windows to see what I'm doing even without power but I can't use the phone or computer (actually, I can use the computer but not internet or e-mail) so it was a good time to work on the archiving. I got almost 4 boxes full and threw away a bunch of junk that I knew I didn't need to keep anymore.
The meeting at 3pm was our Clean Committee. We didn't really have any pressing issues and the person from our Clean Team had broken her tooth so she couldn't make it, so it turned out to be a pretty informal meeting, but we did have a good conversation about our goals for 2010. We want to plant some more trees and do some other projects.
At home later, I was stressing out because I had made it a goal to finish "Hunters of the Night" for Valentine's Weekend, and since we're leaving for Bakersfield on Friday and I'm cooking dinner for our neighbors tomorrow night, that really only left tonight to finish it. I also really wanted to finish the remix edit of "Rock Hard" since Brad has been posting the regular one online, I wanted to get my remix up soon. I also needed to figure out what to wear in Bako, what to cook tomorrow, and clean the apartment. I was just really stressing out, and Dylan didn't understand because he was like, who says you have to finish those songs by this weekend? I was like, "I DO!"
I ended up getting almost done with "Hunters" - I just have a few tweaks I want to make but I sent it to Brandon to get his input too. At this point, it's actually overloading my computer to the point where I'm not sure how much more tweaking I can do. When I was about to record the final vocals it told me my hard drive was almost full, so I had to move a bunch of files to my passport, but even then it was glitching and saying it couldn't play all the parts. As annoying as it was, it did make me feel like I have grown so much from when I started doing my own music on the mac... back then I couldn't understand why people like Hoagie and Scott (Solar City) had such complicated programs and such massive computers, I thought I'd never see the day where I would need anything other than my iMac and garageband, but now I'm actually seeing how I probably will soon.
I did take a break to watch "Modern Family" which was hilarious as usual.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
Green painted gap sleeveless shirt. This was a shirt that I got from Denny a long time ago. It was sort of a brownish/olive green sleeveless shirt that had been "painted" completely with a lighter shade of green. I really used to love this shirt, but somewhere around 2004 I put a Shitting Glitter sticker advertising the release of "The Incomparable White Six" CD single at one of our gigs, and when I took it off, the adhesive had discolored the shirt so there was always a dark rectangle where the sticker had been. Also, it's too small now.


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