Puppetry of the Penis

I missed the last damned day of boot camp! I really wanted to go, because I had never missed graduation day at boot camp before, where we usually play volleyball, and Luther usually brings his special brownies. But, I just could not wake up in time.
I was so excited for work to be over, because Dylan and I were going on our date to Puppetry of the Penis, which I had bought tickets for as our Valentine's gift. I had always wanted to see the show since I had first heard of it, when it was playing on LaCienega (at the Coronet Theatre?) years ago.
Brandon and Angie came over to have dinner with us beforehand; they brought their own dinner with them from Kung Pao Bistro and I whipped up some BLAT (Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado & Tomato) Wraps for Dylan and I. They were delicious!
Brandon shared some sweet herb with us and then they drove us to the Coast Theatre down the street from us. It was raining a little at first but then the rain stopped. We got there about a half hour early because we wanted to make sure we got good seats.
Once they let us in, we decided to sit in the front row but to the side. The opening comedian, Rachel Feinstein, was so funny. I seriously laughed so hard that at one point I thought to myself, if I am going to laugh this hard all night it's going to get painful.
After her set, the boys came out. These are two theatre guys from New York, not the original puppetry of the penis guys from Australia, and they were so cute and funny! We especially liked Rich, the guy on the left side, but we were sitting on the right side in front of Chris who was also really funny. They came out in capes and got the audience warmed up and tried to prepare everyone for the night that was in store for us, before they eventually removed their capes and were just standing there naked in front of us, wearing nothing but shoes. In between them was a big projector screen, and there was a lady (turned out to be Rich's wife) with a camera who would zoom in on the "installations" so you could see them on the big screen. This was also funny cause sometimes they would interact with the images on the screen. It was hard to imagine beforehand how the should would fill enough time and be entertaining, but the time just flew by and before we knew it, it was over. I would highly recommend this show to others!
Afterwards, we walked down to Marc's house where him and Robert were hanging out in his bedroom and we played records and talked. Myles and his lady friend Erica stopped in and visited with us for awhile too. Marc got out his pile of 78's (really old records) that were his grandma's and we played some of them. We were amazed at how great they sounded despite being so old and not looking like they were in the best shape. I told them all about how when I was little one of our favorite things to do was take our grandparent's 78's down to the basement and shatter them on the floor. It's so awful to think about that now but back then it seemed to innocent. They didn't listen to them anymore (I don't even think they had a record player at that point) and grandma just let us do whatever we wanted with them. Such a shame!

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
"Doctor Doctor" Thompson Twins 12" single - This is one of the Thompson Twins other biggest hits. I remember when I was really obsessed with them in junior high, I would always watch MTV and VH1 just hoping they would play one of their videos, which of course they never did because this was years after they were in the spotlight. But one day, I heard the opening notes of "Doctor Doctor" coming from the TV and sure enough, they were playing the video, I think on VH1. I rushed and stuck a VHS tape in and hit record, managing to only miss a few seconds of the beginning. Later, I would discover that I could order the VHS tape of all their videos from Musicland in the mall (from the beloved catalog I mentioned previously) but for awhile the only Thompson Twins video I owned was this copy I recorded a few seconds late off TV. Back to the task at hand, I noticed I had 2 copies of this 12" but one was German and on was American. They both had the same exact tracklist so Dylan implored me to let one of them go.


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