Joe & Sunny's Holiday Party

It continues to rain in LA.
Joe (aka Vicky Boofont) and his boyfriend, Sunny, were having their holiday party tonight. It's an annual thing but this is the first time we've been able to go at their new place which is just right up the street (Laurel) from us. They just moved in together there a couple years ago but last year we were already in Hawaii when they had it. I was frazzled at work trying to get everything ready - on my lunch break I went to Trader Joe's to get the things I needed for my dish, as it's a potluck party. I always have a lot of fun cooking for Joe's party as he's a vegetarian and I love the challenge of making vegetarian food that everyone will love. This year I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea - Tofurkey Sliders. Sliders (mini-hamburgers) are all the rage right now, so I got the little Hawaiian rolls, a tofurkey (tofu turkey), stuffing, and cranberry sauce.
After work, I realized we needed gift for the gift exchange, so when I drove by Urban Outfitters and saw an open parking meter I jumped for it, and ended up not only getting cool gifts for the exchange but also hostess gifts for Joe and Sunny - all before my 8 minutes on the meter expired!
When I got home, it was a whirlwind of making the Tofurkey Sliders. There were 24 buns total and I just assembly lined them, making the stuffing while the tofurkey cooked, then spreading the stuffing and gravy on one side of the bun, and the cranberry sauce on the other. Finally, the tofurkey was done, and not a minute to soon. It was really hot so I had to use tongs to slice and place it on the buns, then folding them all shut and wrapping them up for the two-block journey in the rain.
Luckily, the sliders were a huge hit! Everyone loved them and they all got eaten in a flash.
Every time Joe has a party, he does this cool thing where you get a name tag on your back with a celebrities name on it. You have to ask people "yes" or "no" questions about the person until you've gathered enough clues to correctly guess who it is. Once you've guessed the person, you put the name tag on your chest and they keep track of the order in which the guests guessed their celebrities. Mine was Ke$ha this time and after a couple of inaccurate hints, I was finally able to guess it when someone commented that she was even "worse than Britney Spears."
The order in which you guessed your celebrity then determines the order in which people get to open presents. It's the type where you get to either open a gift under the tree when it's your turn, or you can steal someone else's gift that went before you. It's always a lot of fun and gets real nasty with people stealing the best presents from other people (they can only be stolen 3 times). I ended up with a box of wine, which was fine by me because no one wanted to steal it and I knew I would drink it anyway.
I had also baked some treats to give to some of my friends, and made copies of my CD for Marc, Brad, and Joe so they could give me feedback. I made a cover really quickly using a photo of the neon diver sign that Luther took for me. Initially I had wanted Luther to take a photo of me by the sign, but I ended up liking the cover I made so much that I think I will just use that photo. I don't need to see my face on the front of my CD anyway.


Scarlet said…
Loved this blog, I could feel all the fun and excitement of the evening as I read! I love the dinner club idea, we really need to do that!

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