Year End Slumber Party

It was the last work day of the year and it was actually pretty stressful!
I was the only one in the office for most of the day, and we had our computer technician coming in to try and fix some of the issues we've been having lately relating to our phone and DSL lines, and he wanted me to get some information from AT&T before he got there, which ended up requiring me to spend over an hour on the phone with various representatives who were mostly all less than helpful.
In addition, I was stressing out over the fact that my holiday bonus still had not been deposited into my account and neither had my regular payroll, which normally goes in on the 30th or so I thought. So, my bank account was overdrawn and I didn't know what to do about it. Luckily, Dylan was out and about with my car since he went back up to Valencia to pick up the new TV, and I found that there was a Union Bank up near where he was, so he agreed to go deposit some money into my account so that I wouldn't be charged an overdraft fee.
Finally once the work day was over, I got home and shortly after that Dylan and Marc arrived with the new TV! It was so exciting. We moved the old TV out of the way and put the new one in and started trying to figure out how to hook it up. It turned out that we needed some new cables so Dylan and I went to Radio Shack but we didn't end up getting the right cables, so I had to go back (luckily it's just a few blocks away). Eventually we got everything hooked up, and it was fun because we could also hook up the iPad so we watched part of the new Alice and Wonderland on NetFlix just to see how it looked.
Eventually, Luther and Andrew came over as we were having our holiday slumber party with them that we had been planning for awhile. Luther brought DVDs of the Carol Burnett Show so we watched some of them and then we ended up drinking and playing Cranium until the wee hours of the morning. It was really fun!


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