I Think We're Alone Now

I kept waking up because of the sun but would check my clock and go back to sleep, until finally it was really time to get up because we were going to Elene’s for brunch at Traitor’s rehearsal at 1. Elene cooked these Dutch pancakes that were incredible, and apparently very easy to make. She also made bacon and eggs, and we had croissants too. I brought stuff to make a breakfast cocktail called “Blueberry Morning” that we (meaning me, Brandon, Travis and Natalie) had invented during “Woodstock Weekend,” which is a story for another blog. Anyway, Brandon informed me I got the wrong ingredients, as a true “Blueberry Morning” is made from Blueberry Schnapps and Sunny Delight, but I got orange juice instead. And, to my utter dismay, the Schnapps was a nearly-neon, bright blue color which is most definitely not found in nature. So, when I mixed that with the orange juice, the drink became a sickly green color! Not like the original “Blueberry Morning” at all which had clear Schnapps and so the drink stayed a nice orange color. Anyway the brunch was delicious and then we rehearsed our set while Dylan went to the roof and read his zombie book. I hadn’t had time to make tracks for a couple of the songs yet, so we just rehearsed with the Dream Academy version of “Edge of Forever” which we are covering since I had brought Elene the CD of the song, and then luckily for some reason I had inadvertently grabbed a book of my CD’s from the car that had a rough mix of my album so we used the version of “Strange Season” on there to rehearse to.
After we finished rehearsing, we watched “I Think We’re Alone Now,” a documentary about two super fans/stalkers (depending on who’s point of view you’re taking) of Tiffany, who is of course my favorite singer. I first learned about the documentary a few years back on the True To Tiffany Yahoo Group, where it was well known that Tiffany did not support the film. She believed that it was exploiting two of her fans, Jeff and Kelly, who are the main subjects of the film. Once when Tiffany played at the Factory in West Hollywood and a bunch of us TTT’ers got together beforehand, there was a big rumour that the filmmakers were going to be there trying to interview us. I’m not sure if they ever showed up but I never saw them. Anyway, I had seen a rough cut of the film online at some point, but there were several differences in the finished version. All in all, I thought it was a fascinating film and the rest of the group seemed to enjoy it despite not being huge Tiff fans, but they all agreed it was kind of weird and depressing.


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