Snare Drum

Having stayed up so late last night working on the bathroom, it was quite an unpleasant surprise to wake up at 6:50 alone in bed, and then calling Salvation Army to hear the recording tell me my pickup was scheduled for 7am-10am! I jumped out of bed and went to the living room first to find out where Dylan was. He was on the couch, and said he had been coughing and hacking and didn't want to wake me up. I was a little upset that he never had gone to the doctor like I told him to, and now he was still having coughs, over a week since he got sick.
I put on a t-shirt and shorts and went to the office as fast as I could, calling our security officers (they work 24/7) to come help me move the desk down. We met at my office shortly after 7am and thankfully the truck was not there yet. We moved the desk down to the curb, but it's a super heavy desk and unfortunately it suffered some damage on the way down, although it wasn't anything major. But, when the Salvation Army truck came, they said it was "too big and damaged" and they wouldn't take it.
I went back home to shower and put on work clothes and then came back and tried calling 3-1-1I to pick up the desk, but they said they couldn't get it until next Friday. I tried a few other places but no one wanted to come pick up a huge old office desk.
I moved everything in to my small room thinking that the carpet guys could then carpet the big room and then move everything in there before doing the small room.
Since I had been there pretty much since 7am, I got the agenda for next Tuesday's Advocacy Committee meeting put together and sent out and then I left after 3pm. When I got home Mike texted me that they weren't going to carpet my office until after Monday. This whole thing has become such a saga.
Taking a nap while it's light out has always been difficult for me, no matter how tired I am, and today was no exception. I desperately wanted to get a couple hours of sleep, but I just laid there in bed thinking of things I could/should be doing instead, and then every time I would almost drift off, some noise outside would snap me back into the realm of waking life. I think I might have gotten 15-30 minutes of sleep all told, but I felt pretty sure I was already awake when my alarm went off at 5:15 pm.
The drums got loaded into the car and I drove to the valley, stopping at Guitar Center on Ventura Blvd which is where I had bought my Roland RS-5 synth many years ago. I bought a new snare drum head since the one I had not only had paint all over it, but it already had been duct taped by the previous owner, who also had a bunch of his friends autograph it so it was really time to change it.
I got to Ben's right around 7pm and we had a good rehearsal. The new snare head sounded good and we played with more restraint than before so as not to upset the neighbors, but it also helped us get to be more tight.
After rehearsal, Roxy had made us Chicken Chili which was delicious! I was so happy to have a nice, home cooked meal instead of having to get fast food on the way home at 10:30pm. We hung out in Ben's bar for awhile and then I took Robin home.
By time time I got home, I was beat.

Hello 2010, goodbye junk!
I found a bag of little cartoon character type toys (one from Rugrats, a superman, etc) that I didn't really recognize so I figured they were Dylan's. I put them aside, and when I showed them to him he said they were his and agreed that he could part with them. So, while usually I don't count things that I get rid of unless they are mine, this time I will since I found them and convinced Dylan to part with them.


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