Get Your Shit Together

It's Monday, and on Wednesday I leave for Iceland. This is the first time for a lot of things: my band's first out-of-country show, the first time my brother or our lead singer has been out of the country (I think), and the first time I've been flown overseas for free (yay!). I haven't even started to pack and I'm freaking out a little. For the past two weeks, my boyfriend and I have been hosting a friend from Scotland and the entire time was very hectic, fun and crazy. But now it's back to "normal" if you can consider flying to Iceland to perform at Gay Pride normal.
Since I rarely bitch (in print) about other bands, performers, promoters, or people in the music industry, I thought I'd at least let this one slip. Several months ago, at the insistence of someone who is a promoter, but more of a friend, I included "hi resolution" photos on our website for the media to download for use in magazines, flyers, etc... So why is it that lately I've noticed some very low-resolution photos being used, in particular one photo off our myspace page which was just a back-stage snapshot has been used as a publicity photo on a flyer. It is so frustrating sometimes when people just take a photo off a website and think it's OK to use for their purposes. Once, someone took a thumbnail off our website and printed it on a glossy flyer! Of course it was so pixellated you couldn't even see what it was - the thumbnail was 1 inch by 1 inch at 70 dpi. I don't understand what people are thinking sometimes. Had the person - who has a great deal of experience organizing and promoting concerts, by the way - simply clicked on the thumbnail and then downloaded the actual photo it would have at least been passable.
That's my beef for today. Speaking of beef, I'm hungry so I'm off to lunch now.


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