
Celebrating the new democratic majority of the house (and now the senate!!! woo hoo!) has been a fun and exhilirating experience! In the few short years since I've been actively participating in my country's politics and government this is the first time I've felt like there was good news or hope for the future. When I first became aware of politics, it was because of my anger over the state of the nation under George Bush, who I had previously only thought of as incompetent in an embarrassing yet harmless way. Then I started to pay attention (thanks in large part to my boyfriend Dylan who opened my eyes alot after we started dating) and realized that it wasn't funny, and it wasn't just embarrassing; it was dangerous. When the dire situation in the white house even starts to spread out through the most innocuous sources of pop culture, it's time to say "Houston, we have a problem." After learning the facts, I was still naive enough to believe there was no way in hell that our coutry would re-elect Bush (or rather, elect for the first time) in 2004. But, it happened and for the first time ever, I actually thought about leaving the country based on a president.
Now it's 2006 and I must admit that, after the painful election of Nov. 2004, I have not been as optimistic about government since I was before. I delight in watching both "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" so I can at least laugh at the atrocities that are occuring within and because of our government. However, I did not see this good news coming, and it has definitely put a smile back on my face.
Last night, Dylan and I finally decided to go to Chi Chi LaRue's club "Dirty Deeds" at FUBAR. We have been ashamed of ourselves for not going to FUBAR since it IS on the block that we live (I always say, we don't even have to cross a street to get there) and it's one of the hottest gay bars in the city. Apparently, Wednesdays have become one of the hottest nights there because of Chi Chi and her band of porno stars who fill the already tight place.
One of the highlights of the night included very well-known porn star Matthew Rush dancing on the stage, and Dylan and I both got a kiss from him. He seemed like a sweet guy and even apologized for sweating on me.
But the best part was Chi Chi yelling on the microphone several times throughout the night about the election results and the democrats being back in power, and just the hopeful feeling of everyone in the bar. For once it feels like this nation may start getting it's priorities straight again. Leave the fags alone - for the most part, we are making this world better for everyone, and while I think that fact is fairly obvious in cities like LA and New York, it doesn't always trickle back to the midwest because most gays leave those places to go to the cities. But even the people in the midwest I think are starting to realize that Bush and the republican party in general never did really stand for morals or values. Like I told Dylan, two years ago when Bush won, we couldn't wait for the time we could say "I told you so..." Well, that time is now, and living through the past 2 years has almost been worth it, just so we can now actually say, "I told you so."


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