Dreams and Realities

This weekend came in like a lion and went out like a lamb.
On Friday, I left work a little late and debated in my mind whether to go home and take a nap (as I knew Dylan was) or go to the gym. Although normally it would be hard enough to chose the latter, it was made more unappealing by the fact that I didn't have any clean socks at home, so I hadn't packed any to work out in, and I also didn't have a change of underwear (or so I thought.) However, the prospect of going shopping for new socks and undies, or rather the other items I would pick up at the same time, was appealing enough that I decided to just go for it. I went to the dollar store on Vine and Lexington and got what I thought I needed. In the car, I transferred the socks and underwear to my gym bag, only to discover that I did in fact have clean undies packed, what I lacked were shorts. I was really about ready to throw in the towel this time, but then I decided I could go to Ross and get some shorts. Seconds later I decided instead of shorts to get workout pants, as I'm not a big fan of showing off my (extremely white) legs. Finally, around 7pm I had all necessary items and arrived at LA Fitness. I started by doing 15 minutes of running on the treadmill. Normally I alternate walking/jogging/running but the last time I worked out, I had run 10 minutes straight and found it to be exhilerating. This time I went the extra five minutes because a cute straigh guy next to me was running too and I didn't want to be shown up. I swear if I ever get in shape it's all going to be due to hot straight guys who work out at my gym. I also did this ab machine, that I would later regret a lot.
I finally made it home around 8:45 and decided to add a couple black streaks in my hair which turned out fantastic. Then the whole gang met at Marc's house before going to The Key Club to see Electric Six. I got a new e6 shirt which I love. The show was amazing as usual and I was thrilled with myself for holding my own in the moshpit once again, despite my fears that I was getting "too old" for it. I did almost hyperventilate at the end of the show. Dylan went to get me water and I had to sit down for quite awhile before I felt normal.
I talked briefly to Tait afterwards but it felt different this time. Not better or worse, I felt a little more mature though and a little less fanboy. I gave him the LA Weekly writeup for the show, which he hadn't seen yet. We talked about stuff I can't really remember now, suffice it to say it was all small talk. He said he would e-mail me; of course he always says that and never really has (although to be fair he has responded to my myspace messages from time to time.)
The next day I puttered around the house and then walked down to Irv's burgers with Dylan so I could eat lunch. Then we went downtown later to the Burning Man decompression thing. It was interesting and fun, and I'm glad I went, but it did further my belief that I don't think I'll ever want to go to Burning Man.
After that we went to a party at the house of Scott Anderson who has been remixing Slut Buffet into a club anthem. It was finally ready to hear. We all loved it, and there were quite a few people in the studio listening who seemed to like it as well. I was happy.
That night I had the following dreams:
First dream, I won't go into great detail, but it was about Tiffany. I was hanging out with her and we went to her house after having some drinks. I was thrilled to be getting personal attention from her. Then everyone was there at her house, and it turned out that her dog was a cat killer and then the dream got disturbing.
Second dream seemed realistic (despite the obvious surreal dream elements, such as my car turning into a plane for no reason, etc)... It was exactly three years in the future. Something had happened in those three years and I was now extremely wealthy. I had residences all over the world and more money than I knew what to do with.
I was with my parents and we were near Hays, KS. I decided to stop in and show my parents my Kansas apartment, which was in Victoria - about 10 miles east of Hays. I told them I had gotten this place in Victoria because I couldn't find anywhere in Hays that met my criteria. It turned out my place was a hotel room in a fairly nice hotel, but I couldn't remember what my room number was. I tried several doors to no avail before I finally had to ask for help. The clerk didn't recognize me, which irritated me, and I said "I'm the one who pays by the year," to which she said "oh, I know you then." She told me my room number, which was something weird like A 127 T or something, which she called a cabinet room (I think). Turns out to get to my room, I had to go through a closet. (Funny).
The room itself was just one big room, like a studio apartment, which a small kitchen in one corner. There were several hot, built men wearing towels who were there already. Apparently my entertainment or servants or something. My parents sat on the bed while I looked around to see what I had left there. Because I had rooms all over the world, I could never remember what I was keeping where. I looked in the closet and found one of my favorite pairs of sneakers, which were a bright blue color, shiny vinyl. I said I was so happy to find them, I thought I had left them in my house in Italy.
Later in the dream my mind decided to explain some things to me. First, it turned out that the reason I had to have this particular hotel was because it was the only place in the area where I could have my car valet parked and my belongings brough in for me. I could practice the piano in a banquet hall that they let me use whenever I wanted. And of course the daily room service was a factor.
I had a driver, and apparently he was like my best friend, although I realized that he was not really a friend; he was my employee. In the process of becoming rich and famous I had lost most of my friends.
Anyway it was an interesting dream, and one that I found myself thinking a lot about during the rest of the day.
Sunday - back to reality - turned out to be an extremely noneventful day. We watched TV and I worked on the computer. We only left the house to walk up to Sunset so Dylan could buy something he needed for work, and I got dinner at Baja Fresh. Then we went home and watched more TV.


Brandonbodt said…
I want your dream

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