Architechture or Music

I had gotten it in my head that I wanted to start taking Architecture classes this fall, and even went as far as registering at LACC (Los Angeles City College) and filling out that FASFA form. But the last day to enroll and pay for classes was the 28th and that came and went. I did think about it that day, but I just didn't feel right about it. I may still do it, but it was going to be a pretty big commitment (6pm-10pm every Monday and Wednesday) and I'm not sure if I need one more thing going on in my life. Right now my life is my day job, and music. A lot of music. I can't even keep track of how many balls I have in the air when it comes to music. Music is what I have loved most throughout my whole life, so it's hard to imagine me doing something else, but the fact is I am getting older and more and more jaded with the music "industry", or the chances that I have of ever making any money from music. I want more money. But will more money make me happy if I don't have time to do music anymore?
In other sad music news, I found out that Panic at the Disco has split and two of the members have gone on to form another band, leaving only the singer and the drummer. Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie were my favorite part of the band, their chemistry together and the aesthetic they seemed to share. The new Panic song doesn't sound like Panic anymore, to me. It's so sad. They were becoming one of my favorite bands, but now we'll have to see what happens.
My Icelandic friend, KolbrĂșn, was here visiting from last Friday until Tuesday morning, so we did a lot of shopping and tourist type stuff when she was here. I enjoyed going to the LA Zoo with her since I had never actually been. She, however, had never been to a Zoo period, so she was really enjoying it. Even though it was a very hot day, we saw tons of animals. My favorites were the Lemurs and the Meerkats. I also liked the Tapirs.
Tuesday night my band was part of an APLA Benefit for my friend Robin who is running a marathon in Hawaii, for APLA. We only did one song, but we had a very special guest vocalist, Dick Valentine from Electric Six, which just made the entire night. It was so amazing sharing the stage with him. I was freaking out about the sound - we had done a sound check earlier in the day but I don't think the same sound guy was there at night, because when I tried to turn up the Korg, which is where all the drums and bass and backing tracks were going through, it would not get very loud. We kept asking the sound guy to turn it up, and he cranked my keyboard, but could not seem to figure out how to turn the Korg up. I had to turn my keyboard almost all the way down, and the Korg all the way up, and you could still barely hear it compared to everything else. It sounded OK on the video though so I guess it wasn't that horrible, it was just very unnerving at the time.
Speaking of Robin, he is the singer in my other band, Invisible Material, and he's set up a recording session for us next Monday. I'm not really ready for it at all but I wasn't last time either and that turned out OK so we'll see what happens.


Scarlet said…
I'm glad you made your decision and seem ok about the classes being put on hold. You should pursue your music that you love so much and think about how much fulfillment you get from it, even if you aren't wealthy...yet! Loved the video with Valentine, I think I said something on your FB page, I watched it yesterday but we had open house and had to work until 9:00, so I may not have.

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