Tea Party anyone?

I just do NOT understand some people.
These tea parties, which seem to only exist in the vacuum of Faux News and it's blind followers, are supposedly taking place all over the country today as a protest by people who are "outraged" over Obama's tax policies. Now, unless you're some conservative right wing nutjob, it's so easy to see the rediculousness of all this and it's frankly in that realm of "so funny it's almost scary." But the thing about all this that really gets to me are the people who really do think they are being taxed too much and are under the false assumption that they deserve to pay less taxes.
Ironically, most of those who are complaining are the same people who believe that the USA is the "greatest nation in the world" and suffer from a severe case of patriotism/confusion over "separation of church and state." They do honestly believe that this is the best nation in the world, mostly because they have never been to another nation, don't bother to read anything from or about other nations, and don't realize that most people in this nation came from other nations (or at least their ancestors did). This, despite the fact that many of them actually hate many of the people in this nation (e.g. the gays, the jews, the muslims, etc).
So, they think their country is great. They're proud of the beauty of the country, but also of our military, our infrastructure (roads, parks, libraries, the postal system, running water), and all the luxuries we have here. We have ambulances that come get us when we have major accidents. We have firefighters that come and put our house out. We have police that do their best to protect us from harm. We have amazing museums and programs that foster our arts, that inspire our children and that make living better. How do people think all this gets funded? The streets in any given city alone are a HUGE expense to maintain. So these people who are involved in these TEA ("Taxed Enough Already") parties, what do they think would happen if they didn't have to pay taxes? Do they think people would just voluntarily contribute money to keep our roads up, to build and repair our bridges, to fund our army? Do they think people would just start picking up trash and creating public art? And what do they think is the difference between anarchy and no taxes? Because there really isn't one. Without taxes, it would be anarchy.
Since Obama gave a tax cut to 95% percent of Americans, one can only assume that these protestors are the 5% left, who are the wealthiest in the nation.
Yeah. Right.


von said…
i think people are mad that taxes are being increased to bail out the banks.. there are all kinds of reports out now (of course) about how most of these banks didn't need these billions of dollars they were given (not to mention the gigantico bonuses the big wigs got.) i'm glad we have the positive things we do have, but we still don't have medical care or clean air and water. kinda basics.. and now we are responsible for paying hundreds of billions of dollars for the big bankers? i'd teabag them too if i could...

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