in dog we trust
Did you hear the news about Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Senator who today left the Republican Party to become a Democratic? That alone is pretty awesome, but the best part is that Specter was raised in Russell, Kansas, where I was born. Russell was the nearest big town to our farm, and I even ended up living and working there for a few years while I went to college at nearby Fort Hays State University. Before today, I didn't know too much about Specter other than that he was from Russell and was a republican senator in Pennsylvania. But today I have hope that this is a sign of something bigger, of more people realizing that the "old way" of thinking and doing things does not work anymore in this country. That the religious right does not have the best ideas for nor the best interests of this country. Now, as soon as Coleman finally concedes to Franken in Minnesota (please just do it already!) then the democrats will have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Of course, this has got some of the old school republicans "scared shitless" (to quote Megan McCain) but has got a lot of people, like me, very happy and hopeful. We made it through eight years of Republican rule and we all know how that turned out, so it's time to turn this mother around!
Now you know what would make me happy next? If we would completely, once and for all, remove all religion from the government, as it's supposed to be: separation of church and state. We need to take "In God We Trust" OFF of our nation's currency. In my opinion, some people have trusted "god" a little too much and that's why our economy, as well as many individuals finances, are so F$&%D up!
I don't want to come across as some egotistical, condescending atheist but come on, so many people in this country think that their belief in this supernatural deity makes them a better, more "moral" person, and as much as I try to think "to each his own" it's got to be a two way street. I don't believe in god... I don't see any reason to and frankly I don't think it should matter to anyone whether a person does or not. I just don't get this impulse people have to try and force their personal religious beliefs on others. The only reason I can see for that, is that some people were taught that god will look more favorably on you and your flaws if you are at least able to recruit more people onto his team. Of course that sounds silly putting it that way, but really isn't that what's going on? Because clearly most people do not literally obey every word and rule of the bible. The bible does not even reflect the reality of the world we are living in right now. But people are scared of hell, I guess, so they try to figure out the easiest way possible to avoid going there after they die. I don't think they understand that a person who does not believe in god, also does not believe in hell, so therefore has no irrational fear of death (just dying is bad enough in my book).
I'm not saying that we shouldn't all be allowed to have our beliefs. Heaven knows I have my own weird superstitions... I can't help but believe in reincarnation in some form, I totally believe in Karma and the balance of nature, and I have plenty of more odd beliefs rolling around in this brain of mine. But they are beliefs that I have come to on my own; a synthesis of all that I have learned, observed and experienced in this world. I am not one to just believe something because a fellow human being told me it was so. I don't understand why anyone else would either. Of course there are those that we listen to and give more credence to than others - our parents, mentors, teachers, etc. But as we grow we realize that no one has all the answers, nor are they supposed to.
This universe (and the others out there) are so vast, so mysterious and amazing, it's really just plain sad to think that humans have by and large just accepted a man-made system of manipulation which has lead to oppression, war, and overall - a world that comes so far short of it's potential.
Now you know what would make me happy next? If we would completely, once and for all, remove all religion from the government, as it's supposed to be: separation of church and state. We need to take "In God We Trust" OFF of our nation's currency. In my opinion, some people have trusted "god" a little too much and that's why our economy, as well as many individuals finances, are so F$&%D up!
I don't want to come across as some egotistical, condescending atheist but come on, so many people in this country think that their belief in this supernatural deity makes them a better, more "moral" person, and as much as I try to think "to each his own" it's got to be a two way street. I don't believe in god... I don't see any reason to and frankly I don't think it should matter to anyone whether a person does or not. I just don't get this impulse people have to try and force their personal religious beliefs on others. The only reason I can see for that, is that some people were taught that god will look more favorably on you and your flaws if you are at least able to recruit more people onto his team. Of course that sounds silly putting it that way, but really isn't that what's going on? Because clearly most people do not literally obey every word and rule of the bible. The bible does not even reflect the reality of the world we are living in right now. But people are scared of hell, I guess, so they try to figure out the easiest way possible to avoid going there after they die. I don't think they understand that a person who does not believe in god, also does not believe in hell, so therefore has no irrational fear of death (just dying is bad enough in my book).
I'm not saying that we shouldn't all be allowed to have our beliefs. Heaven knows I have my own weird superstitions... I can't help but believe in reincarnation in some form, I totally believe in Karma and the balance of nature, and I have plenty of more odd beliefs rolling around in this brain of mine. But they are beliefs that I have come to on my own; a synthesis of all that I have learned, observed and experienced in this world. I am not one to just believe something because a fellow human being told me it was so. I don't understand why anyone else would either. Of course there are those that we listen to and give more credence to than others - our parents, mentors, teachers, etc. But as we grow we realize that no one has all the answers, nor are they supposed to.
This universe (and the others out there) are so vast, so mysterious and amazing, it's really just plain sad to think that humans have by and large just accepted a man-made system of manipulation which has lead to oppression, war, and overall - a world that comes so far short of it's potential.