Boot Camp

Today was the third morning that Dylan and I woke up shortly after 6am and proceeded to Boot Camp where we worked our heinies off! The camp is a 4 week exercise program designed and facilitated by my friend Robin, singer in my band Invisible Material and a personal fitness guru. On Mondays and Wednesdays we meet at the park for about 50 minutes of training with weight bands and various exercises. Tuesday and Thursday we go hiking in Runyon Canyon and do intervals up the steep hills. Friday is a "fun day" where we do sports and games together. It's really fun despite the difficulty, and there is already a sense of camraderie forming within the group.
For me, waking up that early was my first challenge. I'm a true night owl - always have been - and I usually don't like going to sleep before midnight, and often hit the hay much later. But for Boot Camp, I've been getting in bed around 10pm and trying to be asleep by 11.
I think the third day of training is always the most trying, because your muscles are sore from the first couple of days, but today seemed to go just fine. I can't always keep up with Robin or do the exercizes at the same intensity as he or others in the group do, but I do try to push myself as hard as I can. These workouts definitely make what I had been doing by myself at the gym look like child's play.
I will update you here on my progress, so I hope that in typing this I am raising the stakes just a little bit higher for myself, because I want to be able to return here in a month and tell you what a success Boot Camp was for me.
In other news, Maine today just legalized Same Sex Marriage! I always appreciate this type of good news, it takes a little bit of the sting from Prop 8 away. This entire debate/discussion has been interesting yet very taxing on me. Arguing with someone who just refuses to see you as an equally worthwhile human being is disheartening and can be very depressing. They don't understand that the very root of the problem is that in this country there are still people who literally have to fight to obtain the same treatment by the government as their family members; people who have grown accustomed to being discriminated against, insulted, and looked down upon by many of their neighbors and fellow countrymen who are plain fed up. This is not one of those things that can be compromised on or can work on an "agree to disagree" arrangement. This is about our lives being given the same sense of validation and respect that anyone else would demand for themselves.
So today I'm happy that citizens of one more state have one less battle, and progress is moving in the right direction. Now hopefully Boot Camp will keep going the same way!


Scarlet said…
And Californian's will be rethinking the Prop8 very soon, so we are anxious to learn how that turns out. Good luck with Boot Camp, I was exhausted just reading about it!
von said…
as you know, i don't believe in marriage, but as this slow evolution continues i can acknowledge that same-gender marriage is a step towards the evolution of ALL people being considered equal regardless of whether they register with the government as a "couple" or not. that said, i'm happy to see that my native New England is leading the country in this way. it gives me hope that one day New England will indeed lead by example and eliminate all discrimination one day, by eliminating all marriage rights and considering every individual just as valuable as any other. California is just smoke and mirrors.. literally..

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