The Farm House
I had a very vivid dream last night. I woke up (in the dream, not from it) and I was in my bedroom back in the farmhouse outside of Paradise; the bedroom I had in eighth grade (my brother and I switched rooms for that year, our last on the farm). It was early in the morning, everyone in the house was asleep, though I didn't know at the time who was in the house, and it was completely dark with just a hint of moonlight peaking in through my window. I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and took out a cookie. It was like one of those sugar cookies with the thick sugary frosting that Val and Judy from Abigail's Attic got me hooked on; the ones they always have at the grocery store decorated for whatever holiday it's nearest. I had one cookie and remembered, feeling guilty, that I was on the South Beach diet (which I am). I turned to go back to bed, but decided I really wanted one more. I ended up having at least three, at one point aimlessly going through ca...