Rant on Modern Times
I'm addicted to my smart phone. I'll be the first to admit it, and how embarrassed I am by that fact. I remember when there were artists, and there was an audience. Now, everyone is the artist. Everyone wants their own audience, and have developed the ability to imagine that audience exists when it doesn't. We take photos of ourselves constantly. Even when someone else is nearby who could take a better photo, we'd prefer to take our own photo. It's not enough to just be in the photo, we want to shoot the photo also. Then we want people to "like" it. I remember when there was an exciting intersection between art and commerce. An artist would create a work, and then a company would market that work to the people they hoped it would appeal to. Collections of songs were sold as albums. Scenes, written on paper, were acted out and filmed, and turned into movies. Now, everyone wants their "reality" to be considered ar...