
Showing posts from February, 2009

Oh baby

I find it fascinating that in this country, with all there is in this universe to discuss, explore, and ponder - and in the midst of what many are calling the worst economic crisis this country has seen since the great depression - that many people still find the time to bitch about gay rights and abortion. These two topics just seem to perpetuate divisiveness and intolerance and frankly I'm just sick of it. Really, it is nobody's business what one person wants to put in or take out of their own body aside from those close friends or family members whose advice has specifically been sought out. Yet so many people claim they are compelled to involve themselves because of their belief in a supernatural deity who they believe inspired a book to be written thousands of years ago when things were very different than they are now. To be perfectly honest, I don't feel like I really should have any right to even talk about abortion, and neither does any male, with the possible ...

The World Spins

It's so difficult for me to believe that it's almost March, 2009, and that my little brother is about to turn 30. I better stop talking about what I'm going to do when I'm old and retired, because that day is going to come before I know it! It's time to live in the present. And what a time the present is. Crazy days lately, I spent the entire last week without my significant other, who was off visiting old friends and fighting Prop 8 on a whirlwind trip that included stops in San Francisco, Sacramento, and Seattle. He left me on Valentine's day, but we had a nice celebration the night before and the afternoon before he left. I thought having a week by myself would be a peaceful, relaxing experience full of plenty of free time with which to work on projects, but of course in reality it was just business as usual with me rushing around to this bar and that club, getting ready for my band's night at The Palms on Saturday, as well as cooking and cleaning. J...